Teaching Tips – Elementary School

6-8 lesson: PALS

One of the hardest transitions from elementary to middle school, is the change in friendships that can occur. Going from playdates arranged by parents to a diverse pool of unfamiliar faces can be hard for some to adjust to.  The emotions and hormonal changes alone will affect your adolescent child’s understanding of relationships. Middle schoolers will experience changing and complex sets of relationship rules and will form new boundaries. Thus, there will be a new term that may enter your home this year, “Frenemies.”   This is when friends seem to morph into enemies, and your child will be confused and saddened by this change in the relationship.

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K-5 lesson: tales of truth

Telling the truth is vital to building trusting relationships. Therefore, teaching your child to tell the truth is important for character development. There are many stories on the importance of telling the truth available online or at your local library. You can share these stories at bedtime with your child and discuss the questions below to teach about being trustworthy with our word.

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K-5 lesson: chore chart

Some children may not enjoy chores, but it is one of the best things to teach kids about responsibility and caring for the household. Therefore, create opportunities for students to do chores, and create a Responsibility Chart like below.

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K-5 lesson: respect scrapbook

Respect is so important for kids to learn and display. Modeling this in your home is a wonderful way to show kids what it looks and sounds like. Sometimes it can help to have an image that stands for an idealistic trait or expectation. So, sit down with your children and find images online or around you that shows respect. Then create a scrapbook of respect that visually captures the term respect.

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K-5 lesson: emotions

Children build resilience when they experience emotions and learn how to manage them in a positive way. Families can promote resilience by teaching your child how to recognize emotions and their bodies response to emotions. Then teach your child strategies to help manage emotions, so they can build trust in their response and surroundings.

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K-5 lesson: quotes on fairness

Fairness is a hard concept sometimes because not everything in life is fair. Therefore, teaching your children how and win to be fair can be tricky. Thus, use the wisdom from sage sayings to discuss fairness and to recognize when you model it and when it is lacking.

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K-5 lesson: family mission statement

Mission statements help us to know who we are and what we stand for. Businesses and districts have mission statements that let their clients and community know about their focus and goals. See the companies below and ask your child what each business values based on the mission statement.

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K-5 lesson: conflict resolution

Are you tired of the fighting between your children? Do you deal with tantrums and yelling because they will not share or do not want to do help each other with chores? Conflict is a normal element of parenting and of life; however, conflict resolution does not just happen naturally. As parents, we must guide and coach our children to exhibit the behaviors to help them navigate relationship conflicts. There are three things you can do at home to help your children work better together and to help them navigate conflict.

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K-5 lesson: sleep routines

When the warm, lazy days of summer are over  it is time to get back to an actual bedtime. Transitioning from a summer schedule to a school routine can be challenging. Getting back into a normal sleep pattern is often the most difficult.  However, it is also so important for learning. Research says that sleep deprivation can impair cognitive function, slower processing speeds, and a lack of focus. These are all things that will cause difficulty especially in a school setting. Here are some tips you can use to help families respect their bodies and brains by getting proper rest.

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