CHARACTER COUNTS! provides a valuable framework for teaching character, social-emotional, and academic skills. Our lessons, activities, workshops, and resources give educators the tools they need to help students succeed and create a positive school climate that promotes respectful, positive, and supportive relationships.
Here’s what educators and community members from around the world are saying about their experiences with CHARACTER COUNTS!
Buffalo, NY
After 18 months using CHARACTER COUNTS!, Buffalo schools saw results:
Downey, CA
Downey, California — Downey Unified School District released their 10-year character education findings showing a dramatic 25-year low in suspensions and high marks from both students and parents on the use of CHARACTER COUNTS! within their schools.
Year after year, it is believed that our CHARACTER COUNTS! has played an integral role in these results in addition to improving school safety, student morale, engagement, and high school graduation rates.
Tulare County, CA