Love - Man With Dementia Forms Special Bond with Kids

People show and receive love in different ways. Acknowledging the different ways people receive love is important so we can best care for others.

Grade Level: K-12
Character Skills
  • Respect
  • Caring
SEL Skills
  • Relationship Skills 
  • Social Awareness
Academic Skills
  • Effective Problem Solving
  • Self-Direction and Engagement


  • Follow the Golden Rule.
  • Be accepting of differences.
  • Be courteous to others.
  • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements.
  • Be considerate of others’ feelings.
  • Be kind.
  • Be compassionate.
  • Express gratitude.
  • Forgive others.
  • Be considerate of others’ feelings.
Relationship Skills

Create positive relationships and meaningful connections with family members, classmates, and teachers.

Social Awareness

Assess and be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others.

Curiosity and Passion

Enthusiastic to understand more about themselves, others, and the world around them. 

Self-Direction and Engagement

Fully engaged in the educational process and connected to the school community.

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Students will watch a video about how a group of kids show an elderly man care. Then, they will think about the different ways that people show and receive love and care and apply it to their own lives.

activiate prior knowledge

Activate Prior Knowledge

  • What does love mean to you?
    • Remind students that there are many different kinds of love that exist in the world.
  • How does someone show they care about you? Are there some ways of showing love that affect you more than others?
Kindness 101

Kindness 101 Video


Discussion Prompts

  • What are the different examples of love you saw in the video?
  • Even with dementia, Gene knows that going outside with the kids will be something that makes him happy. What does that tell us about the impact of being kind to someone, especially on a repeated basis?
  • How can we show care to people with different abilities than us?
  • What is your takeaway from the video?

Activity Materials

  • Paper
  • Writing utensils
  • Chart paper/whiteboard space

Activity: Love Venn Diagram

  • Explain to students that everyone receives love in different ways depending on who they are and their life experiences. The kids in the video had to learn to interact with Gene a little differently, as he does not remember them on a day-to-day basis. Every day, they make sure Gene knows that they care for him.
  • Create a Venn diagram on chart paper or a whiteboard. Label one side “kids” and the other side “Gene.” 
  • Students will compare how the kids received love and care to how Gene received love and care. Try to think of three examples in each circle.
    • For example, the kids received love through daily interactions and relationships. Gene received love by being introduced to the kids and interacting with them every day.
  • Give students their own paper to create a new Venn diagram. They will write their name on one circle and write the name of someone important to them in the other circle.
  • Ask students to think about how they receive love and write that in the circle with their name.
  • Then, they will think about different ways the other person receives love.
  • Finally, in the connected circle, students will write about the ways in which they and the other person receive love in the same ways.
  • Challenge students to come up with at least three answers for each circle.
  • Follow-up questions:
    • What similarities did you find between you and the person you thought about? What differences did you find?
    • How do you like to be cared for? How can we, as a class, show each other love?
journal prompts

Journal Prompts


  • “Everyone responds to love.” What does this quote from the video mean to you and how you treat others?
  • When is it challenging to show love?


  • “Everyone responds to love.” What does this quote from the video mean to you and how you treat others?
  • Who is challenging for you to show love and care to? How can you make more of an effort to show them you care?
family connection

Family Connection

Educators: Copy the Family Connection and email it to parents, or click here to download a PDF version to email or print.

Watch the video as a family:

Use these questions to start meaningful conversations about love.

  • In what ways did you see love displayed in the video?
  • How do you like to receive love?
  • How can we show each other love and care more often?

More Kindness 101

CHARACTER COUNTS! Lessons and Activities