Generosity – Ohio Boy Turns Found Fortune Into an Act of Kindness

There are many different ways to show someone you care and respect them, and showing generosity is one of those ways. Generosity is giving freely to others without expecting anything in return.
Grade Level: K-12
Character Skills
  • Trustworthiness
  • Respect
SEL Skills
  • Self-Management
  • Responsible Decision-Making
Academic Skills
  • Self-Direction and Engagement


  • Be honest. Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal.
  • Have integrity. Do what you say you’ll do.
  • Keep your promises.
  • Be loyal. Stand by your values.
  • Follow the Golden Rule.
  • Be accepting of differences.
  • Be courteous to others.
  • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements.
  • Be considerate of others’ feelings.

Regulate emotions, attitudes, and actions, and manage negative emotions and impulses.

Responsible Decision-Making

Make decisions based on rationality, ethics, and effectiveness.

Self-Direction and Engagement

Fully engaged in the educational process and connected to the school community.

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The Ray Center at Drake University
CBS News
Students will demonstrate an understanding of generosity, as exemplified by Myles’ act of kindness. They will reflect on personal experiences and discuss ways to show compassion and generosity toward others.
activiate prior knowledge

Activate Prior Knowledge

  • Imagine you are walking outside and find a $20 bill on the ground. What would you do with the money? Why?
  • How do you define generosity?
    • Generosity is the quality of being kind and generous.
Kindness 101

Kindness 101 Video


Discussion Prompts

  • How did Myles initially react to finding $20?
  • How would you react to finding $20?
  • What made Myles change his mind about how to use the money?
  • How do you think the man in uniform felt when Myles gave him the $20?
  • What can we learn from Myles’ act of generosity?

Activity Materials

  • Object for students to use as a “talking piece” (ball, fidget, or stuffed animal, etc.)

Activity: Sharing Circle

  • Explain the importance of sharing and how it helps build positive relationships with others.
    • In the video, Myles learned the power of sharing a gift with others. We can also share information.
    • Today we will share about ourselves and get to know one another better.
  • Remind students of the expectations for the activity.
    • The class will pass the talking piece around the circle, and only the person holding it can speak.
    • Each person has a turn to share without interruptions.
    • Respect each other’s opinions and belongings.
  • Start the sharing circle.
    • Pass around the designated sharing object.
    • The student holding the object shares something about themselves, such as a favorite hobby, a memorable experience, or something they are grateful for.
    • Encourage students to listen attentively while their classmates are sharing.
  • After the students have shared something about themselves, you can use the sharing circle to have deeper class discussions about the generosity shown in the video.
  • Follow-up question:
    • What character skills do you need to show so that others feel comfortable sharing information about themselves with you?
journal prompts

Journal Prompts


  • Describe a time when you received something unexpected. How did it make you feel?
  • Imagine you found $20 on the ground. How could you use it to show generosity?


  • Reflect on a time when you had to decide how to use resources (time, money, supplies, etc.). What factors influenced your decision?
  • What does it mean to be generous with your resources?
  • How can you be generous with your time?
family connection

Family Connection

Educators: Copy the Family Connection and email it to parents, or click here to download a PDF version to email or print.

Watch the video together:

Use these questions to start meaningful conversations about generosity.

  • How did Myles’ actions make you feel?
  • Have you ever experienced a situation where you had to decide whether to keep something for yourself or share it with others?
  • How can we show kindness and generosity towards others in our daily lives?

Research and discuss ways to fundraise or support military members as a family.

More Kindness 101

CHARACTER COUNTS! Lessons and Activities