Seven Practices that Nurture Respect in Children

Seven Practices That Nurture Respect in Children

Key Idea

It’s important to model respect towards our children to ensure that they see the value in being respectful towards others.

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From guest contributor Dr. Michele Borba

Though most teachers admit that there are some students they never forget, the same is true about parents.

I vividly remember the mother of one of my students all because of the way she conveyed respect to her child. She did so beautifully in how she listened. I watched her several times throughout the year on our field trips and in our class parties or just those times she’d wait at the door to pick him up. Each time Ricky would talk, she’d stop what she was doing, get down to eye level, look into her son’s eyes, and listen with genuine interest. She had this wonderful ability to block out everything–or at least make her child feel she was–and give her child her full presence. The time was brief – just a minute or so.

The mom’s words were usually nothing more than repeating back small tidbits of what he had just said to let him know she was hearing him. Occasionally, she’d add, “Uh-huh,” or “Really?” She acknowledged him simply by saying how she thought he was feeling: “You seem so happy,” or “Wow, you look proud.”

Respected Kids are Respectful Kids

The effect on her son was dramatic: Ricky’s whole demeanor brightened when he realized his mom really heard what he had to say. I always wished I could have videotaped her listening skills to play back to other parents. The mom’s behaviors were so simple, but always conveyed respect to her child. That mom exemplified one of the most powerful, tried-and true character-building practices there is: “The best way to ensure that our kids are respectful is to treat them respectfully.”

It should come as no surprise that her child turned out to be one of my most respectful students. He also grew to become a respectful adult. That’s because of this important principle: children learn respect best from witnessing and experiencing respect.

So, moms and dads, tune-up respect in your own behavior. After all, it’s a racy, raunchy world out there. I fear what our kids are witnessing and experiencing disrespect.

Seven Simple Respect-Building Parenting Practices

Here are seven simple parenting practices that help children see themselves as valuable human beings. These practices work to instill respect in your child because your actions let them know you love, respect, and value them. Your child is also witnessing and experiencing respect with these practices, so they are more likely to adopt and use virtue.

1. Treat your child as the most important person in the world.

“If I treated my friends the way I treat my child, how would my friends respond?” (Would you have any friends left?) Beware: very often we say and do things to our children that our friends would never tolerate.

If you want your children to feel valued, treat them as though they are the most important people in the world. One mom told me she asked herself this question so often that it became a nighttime habit. It also helped her remember to treat her children respectfully throughout the day.

2. Give love with no strings attached.

No child should have to earn our respect and love; it should be guaranteed with birth. Unconditional love is about loving your kids with no strings attached. It is the kind of love that says: “I’ll never stop loving you no matter what you do.” Of course, that doesn’t mean we’re going to necessarily approve all of our children’s behaviors.

In some cases when our kids’ actions are inappropriate, we may need to respond with clear and often passionate correction. But our kids know we’ll always be there for them no matter what, and that’s the kind of love our kids need if they are to feel they are genuinely respected and valued. Make sure you give your child love that is unconditional and guaranteed, so that no matter what, they know that you love them.

3. Listen attentively and respectfully.

If there is one common finding from countless different studies, it is that kids say they wish their parents would listen, listen, to them. Attentive listening is a wonderful way to convey respect.

When your child talks, stop everything and focus completely so that they feel you really value their opinions and want to hear their thoughts. Stop what you’re doing and give your child your full presence for the brief time. Hint: Adolescent boys are often threatened by eye contact, so try sitting side to side.

4. Communicate respect with your whole body, not just with your words.

Most of the time, our kids aren’t listening to our words nearly as much as they are watching our posture, gestures, and facial expressions and hearing the tone of our voice. So make sure your whole body is communicating respect when you talk to your child.  You may say, “I want to hear your ideas,” but if your child sees you shrug your shoulders, raise your eyebrows, smirk your mouth, or roll your eyes, they are likely to pick up a whole different meaning.

I’ve yet to meet parents who want their kids to think they aren’t interested in their ideas or don’t respect their kids’ feelings. Yet those are the messages children pick up, all because of how parents react when their children talk.

5. Build positive self-concepts.

Labeling children with such terms as shy, stubborn, hyper, or clumsy can diminish self-esteem and become daily reminders of unworthiness. They can also become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Regardless of whether the labels are true or not, when children hear them, they believe them. So only use labels that build positive self-concepts. One good rule to remember about labeling is this: “If the nickname is not respectful, it’s best not to use it.”

6. Tell them often why you love and cherish them.

The more you show your child you love them, the more your child learns to value and love themselves. So tell your child often that you love them, but also tell them what you love about them and express your gratitude that they are your child.

“I love that you are so kind.” “I’m so glad I have the fortune of being your parent.” “I love you just the way you are.” “I respect the way you never give up.”
Never assume that your child knows what feelings you hold in your heart about them. Tell them.

7. Enjoy being together.

One of the best ways to help a child feel respected is to let them know how much you enjoy being with them. Put your child at the top of your schedule and set aside relaxed times together during which you can really get to know who your child is. Only then will you be able to let them know why you value, love, and respect them so. A quick quiz is to ask yourself which traits you respect in your child. Would your child be able to name those traits as well?

So now the real parenting test: Think back over the last few days. What have you done that helps your children see themselves as valuable human beings because your actions let them know you love, respect, and value them? Don’t forget that our simple day-to-day actions are often the most powerful ways to nurture respect in our children.


Michele Borba, Ed.D. is an internationally renowned consultant, educational psychologist, and recipient of the National Educator Award who has presented workshops to over a million participants worldwide. She is a recognized expert in parenting, bullying, youth violence, and character development and the author of 22 books, including UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About Me World, The 6Rs of Bullying Prevention: Best Proven Practices to Combat Cruelty and Build Respect,The Big Book of Parenting Solutions, and Building Moral Intelligence. She has appeared over 130 times on the TODAY show and is a frequent expert on national media, including Dateline, The View, Dr. Oz, Anderson Cooper, CNN, Dr. Drew, and Dr. Phil. To book her for speaking or a media event refer to her website: Follow her on twitter @MicheleBorba.