Patriotism – California Boy Becomes Pied Piper of Patriotism

Patriotism is the deep sense of love, honor, and dedication towards one’s country, demonstrated through service, respect, and gratitude. No matter where you come from, anyone can show patriotism for their country.

Grade Level: K-12
Character Skills
  • Respect
  • Good Citizenship
SEL Skills
  • Responsible Decision-Making
  • Social Awareness
Academic Skills
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Self-Direction and Engagement


  • Follow the Golden Rule.
  • Be accepting of differences.
  • Be courteous to others.
  • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements.
  • Be considerate of others’ feelings.
Good Citizenship
  • Do your share to make your home, school, and community better.
  • Cooperate.
  • Stay informed. Vote.
  • Be a good neighbor.
  • Make choices that protect the safety and rights of others.
  • Protect the environment.
Responsible Decision-Making

Make decisions based on rationality, ethics, and effectiveness.

Social Awareness

Assess and be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others.

Critical and Creative Thinking

Acquire, remember, understand, and apply knowledge.

Self-Direction and Engagement

Fully engaged in the educational process and connected to the school community.

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The Ray Center at Drake University
CBS News

Students will demonstrate an understanding of patriotism and the importance of taking care of others in our community. 

activiate prior knowledge

Activate Prior Knowledge

  • What is one reason that you are proud of your community?
  • What does patriotism mean?
    • Patriotism is the feeling of love, devotion, and a sense of attachment to a country or state.
Kindness 101

Kindness 101 Video


Discussion Prompts

  • Why was it so crucial to Preston that every veteran had a flag on their grave?
  • What effect did Preston’s efforts have on the community? Why do you think that was?
  • What does patriotism mean to you? How do you show patriotism every day?
    • If you have students born in another country, consider pointing out that patriotism is pride in one’s country. They can have pride in their birth country and where they live now.

Activity Materials

  • Markers, crayons, colored pencils
  • Writing Utensils
  • Paper
  • Envelopes

Activity: Patriotism Thank-You Cards

  • Ask students to think about people in your community that take care of people. Brainstorm a list as a class and display their ideas.
  • Have students pick one person to write a thank you note to, describing what they appreciate about them.
  • Encourage students to draw a picture (if developmentally appropriate).
  • Help students deliver their letters, either in person or in the mail.
  • Follow-up question:
    • How does showing appreciation for the people who help our community demonstrate patriotism?
journal prompts

Journal Prompts


  • What do you love about our school?
  • How does taking care of your community show that you care about it and are proud of it?


  • Reflect on a time when you felt proud of your community. What happened, and why did it make you feel that way?
  • What actions show you are a good citizen of your community?
family connection

Family Connection

Educators: Copy the Family Connection and email it to parents, or click here to download a PDF version to email or print.

Watch the video as a family:

Use these questions to start meaningful conversations about patriotism.

  • What did you learn from Preston Sharp’s story about patriotism?
  • How can our family show patriotism in our community?


  • Plan an activity to honor people who serve your community, such as volunteering or delivering meals to those in need.

More Kindness 101

CHARACTER COUNTS! Lessons and Activities