Joy – After Losing Parents, 6-Year-Old Boy Seeks Smiles

Joy is a deep feeling of happiness and contentment. It is often rooted in gratitude, compassion, and connection with others.

Grade Level: K-12
Character Skills
  • Caring 
  • Good Citizenship 
SEL Skills
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management 
Academic Skills
  • Effective Problem Solving
  • Self-Direction and Engagement


  • Be kind.
  • Be compassionate.
  • Express gratitude.
  • Forgive others.
  • Be considerate of others’ feelings.
Good Citizenship
  • Do your share to make your home, school, and community better.
  • Cooperate.
  • Stay informed. Vote.
  • Be a good neighbor.
  • Make choices that protect the safety and rights of others.
  • Protect the environment.

Identify and understand emotions, values, attitudes, motivations, mindsets, and personal attributes.


Regulate emotions, attitudes, and actions and resist negative emotions and impulses.

Effective Problem Solving

Make rational, ethical, and effective decisions to find the best solutions to problems.

Self-Direction and Engagement

Fully engaged in the educational process and connected to the school community.

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Students will talk about the power of small acts of kindness, as modeled by a young boy determined to spread joy in his community.

activiate prior knowledge

Activate Prior Knowledge

  • What makes you smile?
  • What is the definition of joy?
    • Joy is a feeling of happiness.
Kindness 101

Kindness 101 Video


Discussion Prompts

  • How did Jaden spread joy to others?
  • Why do you think something small, like a toy duck or dinosaur, spreads happiness to those around Jaden?
  • What impact do you think this small act had on Jaden?
  • How can we spread joy even when not feeling joyful?
  • Jaden talks about how even though he is happy bringing joy to other people, he still gets sad about his parents. How is it possible to feel happiness and sadness at the same time?

Activity Materials

  • Colored dot stickers or smiley face stickers
  • Markers

Activity: Joy Tag

  • Team Version
    • Students are assigned a strip of colored dots representing their team; each team is assigned a different color.
    • Students draw smiley faces or write “Joy” on the dots.
    • Teams spread out in an open area.
    • Students tag each other with their colored dots upon “Go!”
    • The activity continues until the time runs out.
    • After the timer stops, each student tallies the colored dots they’ve tagged others with.
    • The team that gives the most dots wins.
  • Individual Version
    • Students receive a strip of colored dots or smiley face stickers.
    • Students draw smiley faces or write the word “Joy” on the dots.
    • Students spread out in an open area.
    • Students tag each other with their colored dots when the teacher signals “Go!” 
    • The game continues until the time runs out.
    • Students try to give others as many stickers as possible.
  • Follow-up questions:
    • What did it feel like to spread joy during this activity?
    • How did it make you feel to receive someone else’s joy?
journal prompts

Journal Prompts


  • Describe how joy feels.
  • What brings you joy?


  • What are some ways you can bring joy to others?
  • How can someone have joy even through challenging times?
family connection

Family Connection

Educators: Copy the Family Connection and email it to parents, or click here to download a PDF version to email or print.

Watch the video as a family:

Use these questions to start meaningful conversations about joy.

  • What are ways we can spread joy as a family?
  • What activities or moments bring each family member happiness?


  • Invite someone over for dinner or a game night who may be going through a tough time. Connect with them and bring them joy through companionship and shared experiences.
  • Organize a family game night. Enjoy some quality time together.

More Kindness 101

CHARACTER COUNTS! Lessons and Activities