Friendship – Preschool “Twins” Take a Stand Against Discrimination

Friendship is one of the building blocks of life. It is all about how we show another person we care about them and nurture the connection we share with them.
Grade Level: K-12
Character Skills
  • Trustworthiness
  • Caring
SEL Skills
  • Relationship Skills
  • Social Awareness
Academic Skills
  • Curiosity and Passion
  • Diligent Learner


  • Be honest. Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal.
  • Have integrity. Do what you say you’ll do.
  • Keep your promises.
  • Be loyal. Stand by your values.
  • Be kind.
  • Be compassionate.
  • Express gratitude.
  • Forgive others.
  • Be considerate of others’ feelings.
Relationship Skills

Create positive relationships and meaningful connections with family members, classmates, and teachers.

Social Awareness

Assess and be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others.

Curiosity and Passion

Enthusiastic to understand more about themselves, others, and the world around them.

Diligent Learner

Exhibit a growth mindset and willingness to learn from mistakes.

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The Ray Center at Drake University
CBS News
Students will observe the power of friendship in the video. Then, they will reflect on the qualities of a good friend.
activiate prior knowledge

Activate Prior Knowledge

  • What qualities make someone a best friend?
  • What does discrimination mean?
    • Discrimination is the unjust treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability.

Kindness 101

Kindness 101 Video


Discussion Prompts

  • “We are twins because we share the same soul.” What does this quote mean to you?
  • What do the girls in the video say makes a great friend? What else makes a great friend?
  • How do you know you can trust a friend?
  • What friendship traits do you show to your friends?
  • How did the girls in the video stand up to discrimination?
  • What can that teach us about standing up to discrimination as we navigate our own friendships?

Activity Materials

  • Yarn or embroidery thread in various colors
  • Tape
  • Scissors

Activity: Friendship Bracelets/Bookmarks

Use the thread to make friendship bracelets or bookmarks.

  • Each student selects three colors of yarn or embroidery thread.
    • Ask students to assign a friendship trait to each color they choose. They should pick three of the traits they think are the most important to them to have in a friendship.
  • Tie all three strands together in a single knot.
  • Tape the knot securely onto a desk or table surface to keep it in place.
  • Begin braiding the three colors together by following these steps:
    1. Cross the color on the left (Color 1) over the middle color (Color 2).
    2. Cross the color on the right (Color 3) over Color 1.
    3. Take Color 2 and cross it over Color 3.
    4. Repeat these steps until all colors are woven together in a braided chain.
  • Once the braiding is complete, tie a single knot at the end to secure the three colors together.
  • Students can choose to use their braided chain as a bookmark or tie it around their wrist or the wrist of a friend.
  • Resources and tutorials to other versions:
  • Follow-up questions:
    • For your friendship bracelet, you assigned each color a trait that you think is important to see in a friend. What did you pick, and why? 
    • What does your friendship bracelet mean to you? 
journal prompts

Journal Prompts


  • Steve said, “The best way to get a good friend or keep one is to be one.” What does it look like to be a good friend?
  • What are three things you think your friends would say about you?
  • Why is trust so important in a friendship?


  • What is the key to staying friends over time?
  • How do you make new friends?
  • What happens when trust is broken in a friendship? Is it possible to mend it? Why or why not?
  • Why is it important to choose kindness, even when it is difficult?
family connection

Family Connection

Educators: Copy the Family Connection and email it to parents, or click here to download a PDF version to email or print.

Watch the video as a family:

Use these questions to start meaningful conversations about friendship.

  • Who is your best friend? What attributes or characteristics do you love most about them?
  • Describe what a good friendship looks like.


  • Host a picnic and have each family member invite a friend.
  • Host a game night at your home. Ask each child to invite a friend to participate.
  • Ask each family member to send a letter to their best friend telling them what they love about their friendship.

More Kindness 101

CHARACTER COUNTS! Lessons and Activities