It is important for students to understand the importance of building trust and what happens if trust is broken.
Identify and understand emotions, values, attitudes, motivations, mindsets, and personal attributes.
Interpersonal and social skills to guide appropriate behavior and create positive relationships and meaningful connections .
Have a growth mindset and is willing to learn from mistakes.
In “Trust Tower,” students will explore what it means to build trust and what happens if trust is broken.
Have students journal or reflect in small groups about the following questions:
As young children develop, telling the truth can be a difficult skill and there will be slip ups by all children. It’s important that we celebrate telling the truth.
Encourage families to create a plan at home for encouraging telling the truth. Create a sticker chart, track with marks on a calendar or collect items in a jar for every truth told. Understanding that even when children make a mistake, that if they respond with the truth that it should be praised. The best way to build is a skill is repetitive practice and praise the behavior you want to see around that skill. Celebrating the successes of truthful moments will help build this crucial character trait.