CHARACTER COUNTS! is designed to work in partnership with students, parents, and faculty to make your school a great place to learn. The acronym T.E.A.M (T-Teach, E-Enforce, A- Advocate, M- Model) is a process for you to use in the implementation of CHARACTER COUNTS!
When you think TEAM, my guess is your first thought is drawn to an athletic team or any group of individuals that work collaboratively for a common goal. In some ways CHARACTER COUNTS!, does provide a framework to work in partnership with students, parents, and faculty to make your school a great place to learn.
This lesson will use the acronym T.E.A.M as a process for you to use in the implementation of CHARACTER COUNTS!
- The values that we want young people to learn.
- Direct and intentional teaching of values through lecture or large group discussion.
- Utilizing experiential activities that allow for students to self-discover what values mean and how they apply to their life.
- Teach values by engaging students in vicarious experiences employing stories told, stories read or stories watched.
- Consistently prohibit gossip and, when appropriate, addressing/discussing its damaging consequences.
- Enforce a zero-tolerance policy on swearing. Prohibit vulgar and obscene language in your classroom, in hallways, and at school-sponsored activities.
- Not allowing unkindness of any manner in your classroom; no “put-downs.”
- Create a code of behavior for your classroom to which students and you agree related to the pillars.
- Make expectations clear and holding students accountable for them.
- Hang posters or quotations in your class. Refer to the Six Pillars of Character throughout the day as appropriate.
- Discuss campus “issues of character” on a regular basis (vandalism, good deeds, etc.).
- Remind students – and yourself – that building our character is not an easy or one-time project. Fashioning our character is the work of a lifetime.
- Emphasize the importance of working hard and striving for certain standards of achievement.
- Model the Six Pillars of Character; let students observe that you strive to be a teacher who is trustworthy, respectful, responsible, fair, caring, and a good citizen.
- Follow through. Do what you say you will do.
- Strive to be consistent in dealings with students; avoid allowing personal feelings to interfere with fairness.