Our children need to learn that not everything in life is going to be fair because we are not all the same. Instead of defining the differences and explaining how things are not always fair, show your children that fair is defined by who we are and what we need. Therefore, find ways to celebrate what is unique about each other instead of comparing ourselves to siblings or others. Teaching our children to celebrate their own strengths is important to building their self-awareness, self-esteem, and confidence. Therefore, take some time to distribute fairness in your home by celebrating what makes each of you uniquely wonderful.
Ideas to Celebrate the Unique People in your Home:
- Write an acrostic poem with each person’s name and list all the things you love about them.
- Example: MOM
- Magical hugs
- Optimistic dream builder
- Marvelous storyteller
- Go around the dinner table and share three things you are grateful for about each person
- Write a letter to someone in your family telling them what you love about them
- Participate in an activity someone in the household enjoys
- Examples:
- Play catch with softball loving mom
- Plant a garden with the child who loves flowers
- Illustrate your favorite character trait about each member of the family and share it with them
- Take turns choosing the movie to watch for a family movie night
- Make each person’s favorite meal once during the month
- Examples:
- Example: MOM