Character education lessons, activities, and resources

Volunteering is a fantastic way to teach responsibility to your children. There are a lot of opportunities in most communities, for your child to get involved. Discuss the options as a family and try finding something that your child is interested or passionate about, as this can create even more incentive to volunteer.

Steps to teaching your child how to be a responsible, and A BOSS volunteer.

  • How to be A BOSS of a volunteer:
    • Ask questions
      • Encourage your child to ask questions before reporting for service
      • They should know the responsibilities and requirements of the volunteer position before they show up to serve.
    • Be Flexible
      • Sometimes things change in the organization, and the roles or duties of the volunteers may need to fluctuate or change as well.
    • On Time
      • It is important to be on time for the shift you signed up to support
    • Shows up
      • Is important to fulfill the obligation you signed up for and to stay the entire shift
    • Supports the mission
      • Volunteer for a mission you believe in and are able to support during your shift

When your child has completed their service, opportunity ask them to share about the experience.

  • What responsibilities did you have?
  • What did you love about the experience?
  • What did you learn about the organization?
  • What did you learn about yourself?
  • What makes a volunteer responsible?