Maybe teaching CHARACTER COUNTS! is new to you and you are looking for guidance and support as to what you can do. Here is a video lesson that will familiarize you with what is needed to learn about CHARACTER COUNTS! and how you can create a classroom of character.
CHARACTER COUNTS! is a character development framework based on shared beliefs and consensus values concerning qualities and traits associated with good character. CHARACTER COUNTS! is the world’s most widely used school climate and character-development framework with no ideological or political agenda other than strengthening the moral fiber of future generations by promoting consensus values. CHARACTER COUNTS! is more than character development curricula; it is a fully implemented comprehensive initiative that will create a values-based school climate in a manner that enhances academic achievement, social and emotional growth, and ethical and moral development.
- You are already a character educator. What does this statement mean to you? How does it apply to what you do in a classroom or in working with students?
- Changing one’s values is a daunting task and some educators believe it is an impossible task. But, a teacher can change a student’s behavior. How can you put this into practice?
- What has been the most effective strategies to implement CHARACTER COUNTS! at your school?
- What can you do this year to TEAM character?
- T – Teach
- E – Enforce
- A- Advocate
- M- Model
Creating classrooms of character with 5 fundamental practices
- Strive to build relationships with students and model character.
- Create awareness of the Pillars, positive beliefs and desired behaviors.
- Intentionally teach academics and character at the same time.
- Practice character-based discipline in managing a class by helping students make good choices.
- Provide school-wide opportunities to integrate CHARACTER COUNTS! that promotes a positive climate.
Common language is critical
- Repetitive: Use of a common language to describe and teach character substantially increases the effectiveness of character-building programs by exposing students to consistent and pervasive messages.
- Pervasive: The core values should pervade all aspects of organizational activity and all direct contacts with students.
Hear more from Gary on Twitter at @GSmit4Character.