Today Counts – Middle School Sample

Make every day count for good character with daily character education activities from Today Counts. Use Today Counts daily activities to teach good character in just 5-10 minutes a day. Durable, spiral-bound desktop display is perfect for classroom use.

Today Counts invites your K-12 students to think about character and good decision-making through 5-minute activities. 190 activities and no prep time required!

Today Counts will get students thinking, interacting, and embracing multiple perspectives. It’s easy to use and easily adapted; students can reflect on the content individually, in small groups, or as part of a large group discussion.

Today Counts is organized by the Six Pillars of Character. The first four weeks present an introduction; then, each subsequent month features activities related to one Pillar. The last two sections focus on decision-making and a Pillar review.