Make every day count for good character with daily character education activities from Today Counts. Use Today Counts daily activities to teach good character in just 5-10 minutes a day. A durable, spiral-bound desktop display is perfect for classroom use.
Today Counts invites your K-12 students to think about character and good decision-making through 5-minute activities. 190 activities and no prep time required!
Today Counts will get students thinking, interacting, and embracing multiple perspectives. It’s easy to use and easily adapted; students can reflect on the content individually, in small groups, or as part of a large group discussion.
Today Counts is organized by the Six Pillars of Character. The first four weeks present an introduction; then, each subsequent month features activities related to one Pillar. The last two sections focus on decision-making and a Pillar review.
(C) 2024 The Ray Center at Drake University is proud to be the home of CHARACTER COUNTS! CHARACTER COUNTS!, the Six Pillars of Character, and Pursuing Victory with Honor are trademarks of the Josephson Institute. CHARACTER COUNTS! was founded by Michael Josephson through the Joseph and Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics.