Gallatin Elementary, Downey USD, Downey, CA
Gallatin Elementary, Downey USD, Downey, CA

Best Practices

Your Pathway to Success
We’ve been working with educators for more than 30 years to create a pathway to success for your CHARACTER COUNTS! initiative, and it starts with building a solid foundation. Once you’ve created a foundation, you can choose from a variety of opportunities to advance your initiative, including assessment, program extensions, and ongoing support.
 Build a Foundation

Set your school up for success by building a strong foundation for your CHARACTER COUNTS! initative, including educating your team on the fundamentals, creating a plan, and selecting resources to help you succeed. 

  • CHARACTER COUNTS! Workshops: We’ll cover why it’s important to identify school values, our TEAM approach to character education, and an introduction to our research-based instructional strategies.

  • Implementation Plan: There are key components to a successful CC! initiative. We’ll walk you through each step as you consider how to execute your plan.


  • Resources: Curricular and awareness resources can make character education more meaningful, easier, and fun! We have a variety of resources to meet your needs.
 Assess Your Progress
Strong initiatives use data to guide decision-making. Plus, it helps celebrate your success!
  • CC! Implementation Survey: Assess each area of your implementation to find weak spots and areas of strength. The evaluation inspects planning, staff participation, integration, communication, and more.

  • Culture of Ethics and Excellence Assessment: Evaluate the components of your culture and climate with feedback from staff, students, and parents. This assessment collects data on student safety, students’ commitment to learning, staff commitment to goals, and more.

 Extend Your Initiative

You can enrich your CC! framework by inviting other stakeholders to support your efforts. Our workshops will help you learn strategies to extend your initiative.

  • Early Childhood: Include your youngest students in your efforts.

  • Family: Good character starts at home. We can help you involve your school’s families.

  • Pursuing Victory with Honor: Students’ character skills extend to their activities  – so should their character education. Our Pursuing Victory With Honor initiative helps you make the connection.

  • Community: Community members are invested in your students. Ask for their support.

 Set Up Long-Term Success

The habits you create today can pay off for years to come. Create intentional practices to ensure that your work stands the test of time.

  • Refresher: Whether your team needs to learn about new best practices, or new staff members need to learn the fundamentals, ongoing development is vital to sustainability.

  • Plan Ahead: As you create your implementation strategy, plan for the future. We’ll help you set long-term goals.

Get Started Today!

Don’t wait another day to start changing your school culture!

We’d love to provide a free consultation to discuss how we can help you reach your goals.

Girl holding curricular resources guide
Character Counts

Best Practice: TEAM Approach

Teach children that their character counts. Teach character skills and what they look like in action.

Enforce and encourage good character. Reward good behavior and discourage bad behavior by imposing fair and consistent consequences.

Advocate character. Continually encourage children to show good character by explaining and showing why it matters.

Model good behavior. Everything you say and do sends a message about your values. Be sure that these messages reinforce doing the right thing, even when it is difficult. When you slip, be accountable; apologize sincerely, and do better!