Attitude plus effort equals improvement. It’s a simple formula, but not necessarily easy. It asserts that of all the things within your control, attitude and effort are two of the most powerful factors leading to growth and improvement.
Attitude and effort are what separates those who maximize their potential from those who do not. This module focuses on the drivers and preventers of attitude and effort.
Attitude Plus Effort Equals Achievement focuses on the importance of attitude and effort and how it impacts our ability to set and achieve our goals. Attitude and effort are what separate those who maximize their potential from those who do not.
Attitude Plus Effort Equals Achievement is a curricular resource from The ESSENTIALS series. This digital series features ten critical skills for character development and positive school culture. The series is research-based and designed for educators working with grades 6-12.
(C) 2024 The Ray Center at Drake University is proud to be the home of CHARACTER COUNTS! CHARACTER COUNTS!, the Six Pillars of Character, and Pursuing Victory with Honor are trademarks of the Josephson Institute. CHARACTER COUNTS! was founded by Michael Josephson through the Joseph and Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics.