Students demonstrate a positive perspective about mistakes and unsuccessful efforts, believing that they are not failures, but a necessary and unavoidable part of learning.
I will be a better student if I act on the following beliefs:
Made by Mistake” Research Project
Students get to research inventions that came from a mistake! The project could be done individually or in small groups, as classwork or a homework assignment.
To start, share this list of things that were invented by mistake.
Have students pick one and research the product. Then, answer the following questions:
Mistakes help us learn. However, many people hate making mistakes because they worry that making mistakes means that they aren’t smart, or that others will think they are not smart. It can be important to help students reinterpret the meaning of mistakes by explaining that you love mistakes because that’s how you learn.
Process and Reflection:
Learn about CHARACTER COUNTS! outcomes.
(C) 2024 The Ray Center at Drake University is proud to be the home of CHARACTER COUNTS! CHARACTER COUNTS!, the Six Pillars of Character, and Pursuing Victory with Honor are trademarks of the Josephson Institute. CHARACTER COUNTS! was founded by Michael Josephson through the Joseph and Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics.