Way To Go Journal – Grades 9-12 (Spanish)

Way To Go Journals engage students in personal reflection, small-group discussions, and whole-group conversations about character and leadership. This digital resource allows students to download the digital PDF file to their device and type in answers.

Each of the lessons include colorful, appealing images tied to inspiring character quotes and thought-provoking questions to engage your learners.

You can ask students to give written answers to every prompt on the page or use the questions as a journal reflection and discussion topic. The Way To Go Journal’s flexibility makes this a must-have resource!

Journals are available for grades 3-5 (120 lessons), grades 6-8 (120 lessons) and grades 9-12 (60 lessons).

Way To Go Journals align with the 5 Core CASEL Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies and the Six Pillars of Character.